The 2016 movie entitled “I.T.” is written by Dan Kay and William Wisher and directed by John Moore. It is a story of a Mike Regan (Pierce Brosnan). He is a successful businessman that has a family, his wife is Rose Regan (Anna Friel) and his daughter is Kaitlyn Regan (Stefanie Scott), and lived in a smart home. It problem started when Kaitlyn Regan complained and whined about how slow their internet connection is so Mike invited their company’s I.T. consultant, Ed Porter(James Frecheville), to their house to fix their WiFi and he also offered a high end GPS system for Mike’s car (I also think that Ed purposely did the error during the app presentation, which is Omni Jet, at the company so he could get the attention by fixing it). His life turned miserable because of his skillful I.T. consultant, Ed Porter. He began stalking his daughter and reprogrammed his smart home to be under his control. He also manipulated Mike’s business concerns and her wife’s medical results giving their family a hard time after the claim of being used (his I.T skills) by Mike. Ed also reprogrammed Mike’s car (the high end GPS system that he installed in his car) and almost killed him by manipulating the wheels (I think). Fortunately, Mike did not lose hope and thirsty for revenge. He began deleting everything that has a connection to Ed and completely turned his home ordinary to the point that they used candles as lightings (I found it funny). He then hired someone that can help him find Ed and end his miserable life, Henrik (Michael Nyqvist) which is also an I.T. expert. They found where Ed hides and got all drives containing all information about Ed’s doings, including theirs. The interesting part is where Henrik asked him to choose between destroying the drives or use it as evidence to put Ed to jail. He chose to use it as evidence and turned it to the police but he forgot one thing, he also committed a crime, barging in to Ed’s place. After the police incident, he returned to his home only to find out that Ed was there and took his daughter and wife as a hostage. Both Mike Regan and Ed Porter released their anger and fight. Mike ended up killing Ed. After that, Mike’s life and his family turned to its normal way of living. I think what Mike did was the right one by choosing the drives as evidence to prove that Ed has some mental issues and did really terrible things. Although destroying the drives will shorten the case and the police incident might not happen, the fact that Ed is still out somewhere out there is frightening since Ed has some mental issues. I think it will still ended up to Ed being in their house and take Mike’s wife and daughter as hostages if Mike chose to destroy the drives since Ed will definitely aim revenge for ruining his hideout and destroyed his precious drives. Either way, they will still end up fighting and kill each other.
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